Core Desktop App
Lead Developer & CEO - Matt Wisniewski
UI/UX Designer - Myself
Front & Backend Lead & Testing - Chris Hogan
Backend Development Lead - Manuel Tumiati
Frontend Development Lead - Mauro Molinari
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Product Objective
The goal of this product was to create a messaging and file sharing app that uses web3 and blockchain technology. Core would be fully encrypted, while also having the ability to be integrated with other platforms such as Spotify, Twitch, Reddit, etc. Other features included would be group messaging, voice and video calls, communities, and a marketplace where users can purchase glyphs, stickers, and different themes to customize their interface.
Who is is a web3 based company that aims to give users peace of mind through end-to-end encrypted messaging that can be modifiable and provide 4k streaming and video, all without compromise.
Branding & Design Styles
After discussing with Matt, the CEO, about how we wanted to approach the mascot design, we needed to look at our current user base and other user bases on popular platforms. With anime rising in popularity across online spaces and the lack of company mascots being represented in the anime-art style, we decided a chibi that was cat or fox-like with alien qualities would best suit the brand. Orbi, our fox-alien mascot, would be able to reach audiences that enjoyed anime, those that enjoy the 'nerdy’ aesthetic or culture, or those who are uninterested in more typical corporate-like mascots.
When designing Orbi, I made sure to illustrate him in a way that he would look ‘at-home’ within the app (similar to Discord’s Wumpus).
Text Styles & Color Palette
I started by sketching out many low-fi wireframes for Core’s different screens and user flows. Many of the initial wireframes were designed based off of the desktop app in its bare-bones stage (screenshots not included here due to company policy).
By creating an end-to-end (e2e) encrypted desktop and mobile app, users can have discussions, voice and video calls, and moderate their own communities without worry of data compromise or trackers.
Main Features
Core’s features include messaging, file sharing, voice and video calls, and a marketplace. Group chats and communities are also included, with the ability to stream videos, chat, or customize the righthand side bar.
Group chats allow users to connect with one another through voice or video calls. The righthand side bar allows group members to view who’s in the group, view the most recent updates, and chat through text while calls are in full screen.
Communities & Other Extra Features
Communities are a large aspect of Core, allowing server moderators, or Community Leaders, to fully customize and tailor the space however they please. Community Leaders have the ability to add links, socials, and partnerships, as well as the ability to fully customize the righthand side bar to suit their communitie’s needs. Users can view the members list, server rules, and the ‘show case’. The show case could include members features, image galleries, promoted videos, MVP’s, contests, polls, latest updates, etc.
Watch parties are available in group chats and communities, giving the users the ability to ‘pass the remote’ to each other, and chat via text or video in the righthand side bar.
Extensions can be added to allow users and Community Leaders to enjoy other platforms (such as Spotify above) within the app.
UI Widgets & Components
Here is small sample of widgets used commonly throughout Core. Our design choices were influenced by glass morphism design styles, with glowing and illuminating effects.